How the great Frank Edoho ended up in a wheelchair due to her joints being affected by arthritis and what helped her recover.

Frank Edoho, is a TV host, filmmaker, and photographer. He is the host of the popular TV show called Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
Editor’s Note: Don’t forget to read to the end! Next, an interview with the famous Dr. Dayyabu Ibrahim, where he will honestly tell you how to restore your joints quickly, efficiently, and economically, and forget about pain forever!
Journalist: Hello, Mr. Edoho. Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed exclusively for our publication. There are many rumors about your health. Some even claim to have seen you in a wheelchair. Is this true?
Frank Edoho: Hello. Unfortunately, yes, this is not fiction. I was moving in a wheelchair, though not for very long.
But even a few months in a wheelchair were enough for me to feel all the “charm” of such a life.

Journalist: What happened? How did you end up in a wheelchair?

Frank Edoho: My profession involves excessive physical activity. In particular, this strain is directed at the joints in the legs. Many years of filming have not spared my joints, and as one doctor said, “your joints have deteriorated”..
It was horrible to hear! It meant the end of my career and imminent disability.
But I didn’t realize the danger at the time. I continued acting in films and series, and participating in various television programs. And that was a big mistake.

I used to get an anesthetic shot before going to the shoot, and after the show I would gulp down packs of sleeping pills to not feel the pain.
My knees almost stopped bending. My ankle was constantly swollen, so I couldn’t put on shoes. I could barely move, but I kept working. Well, I couldn’t leave my students and interrupt the scheduled performances. The doctors forbade me to work, they threatened me with a wheelchair. But I didn’t listen to anyone, I neglected the problem, and I paid for it with a wheelchair…
I want to address everyone! Don’t repeat my mistakes! If your joints hurt, it’s a serious problem! The disease progresses very quickly and can cause disability in just six months!
Journalist: Did you consult with doctors? Have you received any treatment?
Frank Edoho: Yes, I went to the doctor. They prescribed expensive foreign preparations for me. Every time I hoped that this German or Austrian remedy would surely help me, but it was in vain. I spent a lot of money on ointments, pills, injections, treatments, but it was all useless.
If an expensive treatment didn’t help me, what can we say about ordinary people who have to treat themselves with pharmacy medications and go to neighborhood clinics. I truly feel sorry for them…

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When I ended up in a wheelchair, I honestly admit, I thought about leaving this life. You become a defenseless plant, you become a burden to your loved ones, you can’t go to the bathroom alone (sorry for the details), shower, cook…
It’s so disgusting to feel useless, unwanted, forgotten, alone. My friends stopped calling me, everyone forgot about me… I sunk into depression, I couldn’t leave without help. And I didn’t want anyone to see me in a wheelchair.
Illness, pain, loneliness, helplessness: it’s terrifying! I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy!

Journalist: How did you manage to get out of the wheelchair? As far as I know, are you back in the profession and making new films?

Frank Edoho: A miracle helped me. I can’t say anything more. Fate introduced me to Dr. Dayyabu Ibrahim. I’ve heard about him before. And then a good friend gave me his phone number. I called and Mr. Dayyabutook me in.
He gave me a cream, he told me it’s based on rare ingredients and they’re not easy to get. Honestly, I tried many things and didn’t think this cream would help me. But after a few days, I felt much better.

Journalist: Just because of the cream?

Frank Edoho: Yes, I was amazed too. The joints stopped “twisting”, the pain disappeared, and I could sleep for the first time in many months. And every day I felt better and better. After two weeks, I could get out of bed and walk to the bathroom by myself, leaning against the wall. That was my first victory! And Dayyabu Ibrahim gave me this product, I can’t thank him enough!
A month later, I could already move around the apartment. My legs didn’t swell up, the swelling disappeared. The pain almost completely vanished, mobility returned, I could bend my knees.
After 1.5-2 months, I went back to work. My colleagues didn’t expect to see me. They were shocked: just a few months ago I was a helpless invalid in a wheelchair, and now I’m standing and showing those who charge me new steps.

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Journalist: I’m so glad everything worked out! What are your future plans? What will please us in the near future?

Frank Edoho: I have a lot of plans! I’m starring in new episodes of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Everyone is welcome! And in the spring, my dear viewers can expect two more high-profile premieres, but that’s a secret for now.
Journalist: Thank you very much, Mr. Edoho, for this candid interview! Stay healthy and enjoy your creativity for as long as possible!
Frank Edoho: Thank you! I wish everyone good health, it’s the most important thing in life!


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